"The most fun you can have on a bike...legally."

We are a small company focused on creating an Ebike that has both phenomenal style and performance.
We are currently looking for participants in beta testing our newest creation, to find out more go to shop or blog page. Feel free to send us a message in the chat box, found in the bottom right of your screen.
Many of the ebikes currently on the market have attempted to hide the fact that they are actually ebikes. Resulting in a design that emit an aura of apologetic shame. Leaving a clumsy and awkward look. We fully embrace the ebike for what it is, and are proud of its unique position as the fastest, and most effortless mode of urban transportation. We understand there is a strong connection between performance and athletics. Often well engineered equipment has an inherent beauty. Graceful execution intertwines form and function in such a visually appealing way, just one look at the Retro Nouveau invokes a desire to experience a ride.